when I was 30

things I did when I was 30 years old | Amanda Zampelli

On November 9th 2015, I turned 31 years old. If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while, you might know that I created a ’30 in 30′ list which was a birthday list of thirty things I was goaling to do in my 30th year. A lot of the items on that list were accomplished and a lot of items on that list were not, but none of it matters. What matters is that my 30th year was the greatest year of my life. If it is any telling of how this decade is going to go, then I am all in. Let’s do it, 31!

But before I let 31 sweep me away, I want to recap year 30 a bit with this post, and record a list of notable things I did in my 30th year on this planet. So here it goes, in no particular order.

When I was 30, I…

…to name a few.  My 30th year was the greatest year of my life. This is so because all of these things listed above. But at the core of it all, I think 30 was the greatest because I reached a state of ‘happy’ I believed for far too long didn’t exist for me anymore.

Belief is a powerful thing, and for some reason, I felt I had made all the right ‘moves’ and yet still came up short – believing for years that I was just meant to be confused, anxious and unhappy. Turns out when you don’t try to distract yourself away from the hard stuff, when you allow yourself to go through life’s struggles & uncertainty, and you try to take lessons from them and acquire new knowledge about yourself and aim to get better and be better: LIFE WILL MAKE YOU BETTER. Life will give you the great things truly meant for you. This is the lesson I learned at 30, after a tough bunch of years in my twenties.

But I’m here now. I’m all in. Let’s do it, 31.