PIECES OF US // FULL BODY | Amanda Zampelli

FULL BODY // Being one of the tallest in class and having a last name beginning with Z, I was usually last or in the back growing up. My height always made me feel ‘bigger’ and not as feminine or ‘cute’ as some of the other girls. It gave me an advantage is sports, though. I always liked that. “You can’t teach tall,” my volleyball coach used to say. As I got older, I realized my size and strength was useful in carrying sick children to the nurse when I was a camp counselor, or helping old ladies at the supermarket reach items on the top shelf.

In addition to my height, I’ve always had full hips, and a full booty. I was called ‘the rump’ in 8th grade. That was the extent of names I was called, and I’m not even sure if the boys meant it negatively (haa haa) so I guess it was fine. It’s taken a long time to appreciate what makes me up head to toe, but one thing that really helps is Bachata dancing. I AM BUILT FOR BACHATA. My body natural sways the way Bachata calls for it to, and I just love everything about it. Thank you, body (and Romeo Santos). Wepa!

Height, weight, density, size, movement, flexibility - I’m overall grateful for all of this full body’s features, capabilities, and willingness to work with me, not against me. I’m well aware that 35 is not 25, and I really want to do my best for this body, my home.

This post was a part of Ali Edwards’ self portrait adventure challenge PIECES OF US.

I participated as way to do a few things:

1. pop back on Instagram - I haven’t been able to “get into it” lately (my last post was on New Year’s Day)

2. explore my body through my olw little word: HOME - I’ve been thinking of my body as my ‘home’ & I want to explore that idea this week through the lens of this challenge

3. find out what really matters to me - …in terms of my creativity & what I want to share. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately…that zest and direction for how I want to use my voice & craft has had little to no focus since I went back to teaching, and slowly but surely I’m getting more clear about it. I think this challenge is a good start.

4. ALSO FUN TO NOTE: Kristin + I recorded a podcast episode dedicated to the whole thing!

We talk about our plan for the week with this challenge, the magic of being part of a creative community of memory keepers, and everything in between.