high school Valentines
/Well, hello there. Happy Valentine’s week! I’m popping in with this post sharing a handful of Valentine’s notes that were written to me on this day back in 2001. I was a junior in high school and my religion teacher, Mr. Wrenson, decided that on Valentine’s Day in his class, he would facilitate a kindness exercise.
Our seats were put in a circle, he handed out white, pink, and yellow sheets of paper and explained that we were going to show love to our fellow students by writing a kind note to each one of them — a Valentine, if you will.
As you might guess from this post, I kept the batch my classmates wrote me. Below is the note from Mr. Wrenson:
…and some more from my classmates:
Awww…Mike Wright…
“…never change.”
“…a most unique ray of light…”
Haa haa! Great body?! I’ll take it! I wonder who that was from…
I whip these out every year around Valentine’s Day, and I’m glad I finally got around to posting them. This exercise truly made an impact on me. Looking back on them now – years & years (!!!) after they were written – makes me happy that I was able to give people good vibes. I’m proud that the core of who I am is still that same sweet, genuine person (I hope! Haa haa!) — and that I really tried never to change that about myself as requested by a couple of classmates.
In an age before comments and likes and { hashtag } ValentinesDay, there was pen and paper and some time set aside in a religion class. I hope to host Valentine’s Day parties for my future kids and their friends, and hopefully partake in an activity much like this one. Thanks, Mr. Wrensen…wherever you are. // Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxo