MY BUCKET LIST // Autumn 2020


My mind is doing its best to process & prep for what these next few months of this harebrained year will be, and it's coming up rather short. ENTER: THIS BUCKET LIST - a way to distract myself with some low risk items to expend some pent up energy on.

What's a BUCKET LIST anyway? A BUCKET LIST is a collection of aspirational items that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime. It is meant to help you keep track of your goals and foster action toward achieving these goals in order to maximize the incredible experiences in your life.

Here are my reasons for picking the 10 items that I did:

  • ORGANIZE CLASSROOM - (deep sigh) Teachers who work in the New York City Department of Education’s public school system don’t know what to expect for the upcoming school year, but if there’s one thing this teacher knows how to do, it’s set up a classroom for optimal efficiency and productivity. Every year, I get better at this, and THIS YEAR, it’s the one aspect of this job I feel like I can still take ownership of.

  • DIY CHARCUTERIE BOARD - This is a fun one since I’m planning to create my own charcuterie board for Tom’s 33rd birthday. In fact, I’m planning on calling it his CHARCUTER-33! Haa haa! I found the perfect slab of wood for it, too! I‘m looking forward to sharing how it all comes together.

  • GROW MINT - Tom and I have been making WELLNESS WATER by putting sliced oranges, cucumbers, limes, and mint in it, and the easiest of those four to grow at home in my one-bedroom, fifth floor apartment was mint. There ya go! Plus, I love mojitos.

  • PAINT PUMPKINS - This feels the MOST pipe-dreamy on the list since I’m so busy during pumpkin-painting season because of school. Hopefully my sister and I can find some time to do this, or perhaps I can turn it into an art activity with the kids somehow.

  • VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! - This is self-explanatory, and more important to me than any year that’s come before. Sorry, dad, but HE’S GOTTA GO. Byeee!

  • WEAR YELLOW - I feel like I need to have fun with this list. I need to keep it light and fill it with items that can basically do themselves. This is one of those items. I bought the cutest new yellow sweater and puffy headband to go with, and it’s going to be my 36th birthday outfit.

  • EAT A HOMEMADE PIE - I’m also going to request a Sunday afternoon trip to Briermere Farms for my birthday because I’ve always wanting to be on the work bus in that Office episode where they are on their way to the homemade pie stand. This request might be my chance!

  • TAKE A FAMILY PHOTO - Us four - Tom, me, and the cats — I’d love to have a little at-home photo session to capture us this year, and have a few cute photos to use for December Daily. My sweet, beloved family has made this year tolerable.

  • CLEVER CHRISTMAS CARD - I don’t know if I’ll EVER top last year’s Murray Christmas card, but I’m sure gonna try!

  • LOSE 10 MORE POUNDS - Since Memorial Day, I’ve lost 10 pounds that I put on during the quarantine months… I’m goaling to lose 10 more by Christmas, and I know I can do it (even with charcuterie and homemade pies on the list). I included this item because it gives me another reason not to forget that good health & wellbeing is the ONLY way you can enjoy any other positive experience. I can’t lose focus.

You can download a blank BUCKET LIST design for Instagram, Instagram story, or as a printable for FREE by SUBSCRIBING TO MY NEWSLETTER. You can add text using apps like A Design Kit or Phonto... or add text right in your Instagram Story. You could always print it out and write items in 'old school style' with a cute pen and check ‘em off as you go, too.

If you've decided to share your bucket list, I'd appreciate it if you tagged me on Instagram @amandarosezamp, and direct anyone who's curious that they too can get it by subscribing to my newsletter. Thanks so much in advance for that!

Remember to have fun with your list. Keep it light. Fill it with items that can basically do themselves. I'm pumped for you! If you have any questions, you know where to reach me. Autumn, here we come!