A little July update on me using the #Thursday3 weekly selfie challenge created by my friend Kristin rukristin Tweedale.
A little June update on me using the #Thursday3 weekly selfie challenge created by my friend Kristin rukristin Tweedale.
Since we’ve been quarantined, my boyfriend Tom, has been choosing MY BED…and it hasn’t been easy.
How I’ve been doing these quarantined days… courtesy of a hashtag started by Elise Blaha Cripe.
Easter 2020 in the midst of a viral pandemic that’s sweeping the entire planet. I made bunny masks, ate pierogis, and made special deliveries.
A video montage of lovely little moments from our first year as boyfriend & girlfriend. We made it!
I attended a wedding with my man’s parents & it was a pretty special evening.
✨ We’re not exactly sure how all this is happening, but we are pretty excited that it is. ✨
The subtle, but monumental, shift of living in a space of KNOWING vs. PROVING.
the moment when grief creeps up and hits, feel it fully. then wake up and begin again. always begin again.
I get why people are hoarders: to ‘hold on’ to something that attaches them to a ‘better time’ or a happy memory, but it is time to step into the NOW…literally.
The hardest part of the last day of 2018 is knowing I won’t be able to take everyone I love into 2019 with me.
I loved reading Michele Cushatt’s book I Am for 60 days in a row! Now I’m on the hunt for another book just like it!
Recap of my weekend in East Lansing, Michigan for Awesome Ladies Live 2018.
All put together on the outside, but still very much NOT together on the inside.
A metaphor about my sister’s empty, yet-to-be-lived-in apartment & me.
My baby cousin Raelyn is 1 year old. Reflecting on her first year with us.
This is what my apartment looked like after living there for three months.
I created a new hashtag on IG, and share too many thoughts on our ‘posting’ culture.
My feelings on the morning of my 33rd birthday, or 396th month.
“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love becomes a part of us.” — Helen Keller // My fourth trip to Tom’s house out east.