my first place // 3 months in

(This post was originally published on 10/28/15, but was moved here 7/26.)

my first place // 3 months in | Amanda Zampelli

I can’t believe what my apartment looks like three months in. I’m still in awe of how I managed to build and grow in it. To be honest, I can’t remember too much of the process that took place in June & July (although it can be seen at the hashtag #ARZ_myfirstplace). It feels like I just woke up one day and it felt like home.

Don’t get me wrong: there’s still TONS more that the apartment needs to be considered complete (a coffee table, curtains, round rug for the office space, an entire bedroom set, artwork, more than two forks, etc.), but for my first three months, it functions just fine.

…and that’s the tour! Three months in, and all that you see above is my home. My home, doing it on my own, with my two cats and boyfriend, John giving me comfort and love along the way.

I am so grateful for it and being where I am these days. It’s truly amazing when you think about how I was in Texas a year ago, and in graphic design school two years ago, and teaching three and four years ago! UH-MAZING! So here’s where I’ve been lately, and where I’m going to continue to be. I hope to post updates on this happy space soon. xoxo