DECEMBER Daily 2019


I completed my December Daily for 2019 in a 6x8 red with gold foil Merry Everything Ali Edwards album because the grey buffalo plaid on the inside cover sent me over the moon. ‘Twas love!

December 2019 was the first holiday season Tom & I would be spending together so there was an adventurous, soak-up-the-present-moment motif throughout the whole thing …very different than the feel of the previous year’s album which was all about moving through the holiday season solo for the first time in 12 years.

I was wildly content in December 2019. It shows on my face, and it shows in my documenting. No heavy journalling like in 2018’s album. Most of what I memory kept for 2019 was what happened and who it happened with - because it was great - and being with Tom has been a long time coming. This album shows how happy I am that he’s here. Cheers!

Click the buttons below to read the blog post on the start of the album, an overview of the finished album, or the YouTube flip-through video. // #ARZ_DecemberDaily2019